760.721-1DOG (760)-721-1364
3060 Industry Suite 108 • Oceanside • CA • 92054

Whether the goal for your beloved pet is to maintain optimal physical and psychological health, manage body condition (gain or lose weight) or help prevent injuries or recover post surgically, we can help you to incorporate an exercise program for The Total Dog.
Our services are an ideal support system for your dog’s general well-being or health challenge. For injured, ill or weight-challenged pets, we work closely with you and your veterinarian (as indicated), to put together an exercise program that will meet your dog’s potential for optimal mental and physical soundness.
Swimming and exercises should be approved by your veterinarian and then carefully performed and monitored by trained personnel. Evidence of the many health benefits of warm water therapy is growing, and there is no substitute for a proper exercise program.
Veterinarians now recommend warm water swimming for dogs because of the many benefits, including:
• Improved body condition & physical performance
• Cardiovascular fitness
• Faster recovery from surgery
• Faster recovery from sprain or strain
• Reduced pain
• Decreased or prevention of tissue contraction from disuse
• Weight reduction & management
• Obesity prevention
• Positive effects on the mind

Conditions which may be helped:
General Fitness (The “Move It or Lose It!” principle applies to pets just as it does for people.)
• Age related or injury limitations: decreased mobility, stiffness
• Excess weight